【同义词辨析】 2020-08-25 神圣sacred-inviolable

sacred: implies either a setting apart for a special use: the battered chair by the fireside that was ~ to father; or a special quality that leads to an almost religious reverence: a ~ memory.   battered破旧的,又如a battered car         reverence敬爱implies profound respect mingled with love, devotion, or awe表示深深的尊重,并且热爱效忠尊敬,如have the greatest ~ for my father敬爱我的父亲.  

sacrosanct: in general use may retain its religious implication of the utmost of sacredness, or it may take on an ironic quality and suggest a supposed rather than a real sacredness: failed to accept that such public figures were ~.   utmost最大的极为greatest; most extreme,等于uttermost      现在sacrosanct多表示反讽,比如政府可能认为某项计划是sacrosanct神圣不可侵犯的,某作者可能认为自己文章sacrosanct神圣不可改动,但选民/编辑可能根本不认为其神圣doesn't regard it as sacred at all.    

inviolate: applies to such things as laws, agreements, institutions, or persons which for one reason or another are secure from abuse or injury, and it stresses the fact of not having been violated: the ~ beauty of the wilderness.    for one reason or another是短语: 因为某种原因

inviolable: while close to inviolate, implies a character that is secure from violation: the ~ sanctity of the law.     inviolable right to life/territory/rule不可侵犯的生命权/领土/不容违背的规则

sacred神圣: 指具于与众不同作用,或指具有特殊品质,引人产生宗教般的敬爱,sacrosanct神圣: 可能保留着宗教含义,即最神圣的;也可能反讽,表示自以为神圣而非真正神圣,inviolate未受侵犯: 强调未受侵犯事实,inviolable不可侵犯: 指不容侵犯的品质

记忆方法: 1)首字母SSII想成ISIS伊斯兰国<==神圣         全称是Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham       圣简化前,是在人形上加耳加口,本义指听觉敏锐。引申指精通某种学问或技艺并有极高成就的人,又引申指神圣的,还用于称颂帝王  

        2)神圣的意思是不可侵犯,受尊重、和法律习俗保护mean protected by law, custom, or respect against abuse.